Naruto Hates His Family Love Fanfiction Percy Jackson

The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1) The Lightning Thief discussion

Why do people hate Percy Jackson?

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message ane: by [deleted user] (new)

I have met quite a few PJO haters, and I never quite understand why they hate information technology. I'll list some arguments I've heard here and refute them.

"Information technology's just stupid."

I've heard this then many times before it kind of sickens me. This is a freaking stance. Proverb something'south stupid is not a legitimate reason for hating a volume.

"It rips off Harry Potter."

No information technology doesn't. A lot of people use the same stereotypes Rowling does. The sidekick, the know it all, the outcast heroes are archetypes. They were not created past Rowling. And besides, Annabeth, Grover and Percy develop in far different means than Hermione, Harry and Ron exercise. They accept different personalities, different pasts, different flaws. That is Non a ripoff.

Every bit for the world-building, I nevertheless don't see that. Military camp One-half-Claret was made for survival purposes. Hogwarts is not. Capture the flag is besides used to teach survival skills, and Quidditch is more like an Olympic game people practise for fun. I'll acknowledge that separating them into houses is a scrap of copying, just seriously, who cares? It's not like Rowling is terribly original either. If PJO is a HP ripoff, than HP is besides a Lord of the Rings ripoff. Seriously.

"The plot is repeated over and over again."

Maybe the blank skeleton of information technology does. Footstep one, something weird happens, footstep 2, they go to camp, pace three, they go on a quest whether Chiron likes it or not. Still at that place is then much more than. There are new twists on Greek mythology, new conflicts, new characters. And what I discover weird about this is that a lot of HP fans criticize PJO for repeating the plot over and over over again. HP does so equally well. Make no mistake, I am likewise a huge HP fan, but it disturbs me how shallow the reasons for hating PJO are.

"Percy Jackson is a Gary Stu."

I really never got that argument. He does have flaws. He has strengths. He has a personality He's likable. How is he a Gary Stu? He's not perfect. He still rushes into things without really thinking information technology over nearly how it will bear upon the entire globe, which just makes information technology more powerful considering the entire fate of the world hinges on a single decision of his. That'south the worst flaw you could have in that situation. How is he a Gary Stu?

And then aye. Experience free to comment and add your thoughts. And if you lot can, delight explicate to me why Percy Jackson sucks. It's okay if y'all don't like it, but don't spout all these stupid reasons I listed upward at that place for disliking it.

Melanie PJO is the best! It taught me alot about Greek mythology and now it's one of my favourite subjects>.<

Kate I wonder if the haters have actually read the book or simply are speculating?

((Savanha)) WHAT!?!?! PJO haters!!! Oooo they better promise they dont cross me on a night street...

Selena Melanie wrote: "PJO is the best! It taught me alot about Greek mythology and now it'south one of my favourite subjects>.<"

Same for me \(^.^)/!!!!

Sarel Boshoff People hate because they can't requite credit where credit is due.

Emma B I Love the Percy Jacksons! The characters, the plots, everything. I have to admit though when I started reading the get-go volume I got irritated at points, because I felt similar Percy came across as thinking of himself equally really badass, and I was thinking- Seriously? Y'all're similar 12! But once you get past that the books are flawless :)

message 8: by [deleted user] (new)

What? WHAT? How could ANYONE in their correct mind hate this?!

Selena Brooke wrote: "What? WHAT? How could ANYONE in their right mind hate this?!"

Back at y'all

Tracy Oh. My. Gosh. We actually Concur on something...
And I agree with Kate, when she asked nigh people actually reading the books. I have tried over and over and over over again to get one of my friends to read Harry Potter for the past two years. She kept insisting that it was stupid and boring, blah, blah, blah. And then she FINALLY started them, and she LOVES them! I'm like "You lot're welcome!".

Vanessa Andujo I think people hate PJ for the same reasons that people hate Harry Potter.

Some people merely aren't into annihilation 'magic'

Some other biggie is becase it deals with gods and non God, so they see it as pagen

People look at information technology similar he'due south a Gary Sue, I think mainly because they don't understand how/why the book was written. All the books are basicly modern versions of Greek hero myths, all that was take out were things non appropriate for kids.

Once people hear its most mythology (aka history) their brain shuts down and autmaticly call up it's boring.

Plus a lot of people who don't like it aren't even in the target audience. The book was written for kids (mainly boys) viii-12 and I like to think people in general who like greek/roman mythology.

message 12: by [deleted user] (new)

Maybe y'all're right. Nevertheless, the reasons you listed are also quite biased (I'm non saying you are biased in favor of hating it, you lot rated information technology five stars subsequently all, just to clarify) Well-nigh people don't acknowledge that they are non the target audition, or that they personally don't similar Greek mythology. They just say information technology'southward stupid. Haha aye, I estimate they immediately think information technology'due south boring once they hear information technology's based on Greek mythology, though I have met quite a few people who hated Greek mythology and then ended up loving information technology equally a result from reading PJO.

This is slightly off topic, but whatever:) I ever liked how PJO does not take a violent fan base similar Twilight or Harry Potter. There might perchance be a few, just itdoesnt have a rep for being vehement. That way I tin can say that I honey PJO without beingness embarrassed. When people ask me if I'm an HP fan (which I am) I just kind of stammer "uh...I" this has naught to do with my liking of the serial, btw, I would never detest/love something simply based on the reactions of other people.

message xiii: past [deleted user] (new)

@ Tracy

Yep, nosotros exercise! Amazing, huh? We had a very nice trivial spat over HG, and at present were both practically fangirling over PJO. :) it is my favorite series though, and it will always be, because this is the series that really sucked me in to the genre of fantasy.

Kelly Brown Personally, I find the choice of words is often repetitive and that bugs me, especially when I take them in audioformat instead of paperback. I LOVE the stories, and I'll e'er buy the side by side installation but there are only and so many times you tin can mind to a human being say "Annabeth chided", before you start to wish she scorned or frowned or did anything except CHIDED instead. That's just one instance, and a lot of writers are guilty for repetition, I'grand probably one of them, simply that'southward my two jots worth.

Tracy Jocelyn wrote: "@ Tracy

Yes, we do! Amazing, huh? We had a very nice niggling spat over HG, and now were both practically fangirling over PJO. :) it is my favorite series though, and it will always be, because thi..."

Yes, fangirling over Percy Jackson is one of my favorite things!
Have you lot seen who plays him in the movies?

bulletin 16: by [deleted user] (new)

Kelly wrote: "Personally, I find the choice of words is oftentimes repetitive and that bugs me, especially when I have them in audioformat instead of paperback. I Honey the stories, and I'll always buy the side by side instal..."

Hey, yous're correct. I'd never noticed that, I guess I was too wallowed upwards in the stories for me to see the Annabeth chided thing. I do concur that Riordan's overuse of spoken language tag alternatives to "said" can be a bit non-expert and annoying. He uses the oral communication tag "yelled" like four times in a row in the Last Olympian in the scene when Clarisse is dragging around the drakon in her chariot.

message 17: by [deleted user] (new)

Tracy wrote: "Jocelyn wrote: "@ Tracy

Yes, nosotros do! Amazing, huh? We had a very nice niggling spat over HG, and now were both practically fangirling over PJO. :) it is my favorite series though, and it will always..."

Yes, I've seen him who plays in the movies. Some people recall Logan Lerman'due south "hotness" makes upward for the horribleness of the picture, simply I don't think it does. I mean, dude, if they could find eleven-twelvemonth-old Daniel Radcliffe for Harry Potter, why not an xi-year-old for Percy Jackson? The directors are the same too. Makes no sense.

Tracy I know! I was thinking, he started the movie series when he was eighteen, and when he finishes it, he'll exist like, twenty-six! He was supposed to be twelve years old!
Even so, in likeliness to what Percy would look like, Logan looks exactly similar I would've imagined...

Tracy Tracy wrote: "I know! I was thinking, he started the moving picture series when he was eighteen, and when he finishes it, he'll be similar, twenty-six! He was supposed to exist twelve years one-time!
However, in likeliness to what..."

I'thou not certain that was grammatically correct....sorry!

Celine☆ I never really liked PJO. The first was past far the all-time, I only got equally far as the 4th(?) book as I establish that I didn't care for them all that much. I hate it when people develop such an utter detest confronting something, and so preach near information technology like pompous nibs. I don't like the books, but I never get further than but proverb, "Oh, yeah. I read a few of those books. Didn't really like them." And that'southward it! You don't need to say more than that. If you do, it'due south merely plain old rude.

I, personally, never cared for the books for a few reasons. I found Percy a trivial annoying and the calibration of the immortals daunting and uncomfortable to read about. Some of the content was a bit annoying, merely the reason I kept with the books as long as I did was because they were sometimes very hilarious. I tin see why people like them, only they are merely not in my favored genre. Everyone has their opinions, and I don't see why PJO haters (AND lovers) should go around shoving each others words into their faces like pie. What's the indicate of existence an individual if you lot aren't immune to accept your own opinions without being smashed to the ground past others?

bulletin 21: by [deleted user] (new)

Yes, I can encounter what you mean. But to analyze(in instance, Im non sure exactly what you recall of this mail) I am perfectly okay with PJO dislikers. I'm just not okay with them proverb it's stupid and then babbling most how much they detest it. The earth would be a boring place if everyone thought the same thing, though, and so of grade I don't care if people don't similar them likewise much.

Celine☆ Oh I'm fine with the post! I'm just generally neutral. C:

But ya, I totally get what y'all mean.

Isabella (All Da Ladies Luv Leo) Thomas I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE PJ BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DIDN'T KNOW THERE WERE ANYY PJO HATERS AT ALLL!!!!!

Daniela-Goddess of Reading Selena wrote: "Melanie wrote: "PJO is the best! It taught me alot virtually Greek mythology and now it'southward 1 of my favourite subjects>.

Same for me \(^.^)/!!!!"

Me 3! Ditto!!

message 25: by [deleted user] (new)

people hate Percy Jackson?

who knew

Elizabeth Day Oh wow! People hate Percy Jackson? Who knew! I know one person who won't endeavor it, just his sister told me information technology was because he wasn't actually into mythology. There was another girl in this book discussion who was talking about how information technology probably won't be as practiced as Harry Potter, and hey, it isn't, I don't call up. But it's withal crawly!

message 27: by [deleted user] (new)

It's sort of like the Twilight series, information technology kind of became cool to hate the series. At first i didnt remember i'd similar it, even if i already liked greek mythology, i idea it was going to be a actually stupid adaptation. But now that i have it a hazard im fond. people just judge it at commencement when they hear that the plots really out there.

Team Leo i think a big factor of why people hate Percy Jackson is considering they have never been bothered to read it and they just dismiss it with 'no it'south stupid'. This annoys me every bit it is such a nifty serial and it teaches people alot throughout it as well

Ria Ali Percy jackson is a absurd hero and people who compare the PJ series with the HP ones are seriousely,Stupendously basics.
i'm a fan of HP though the PJ books are non so bad. they rock as well.
every adventure lover will merely fall for them, i clinch you.
and the greek setback is more than halfway credit earning.
then way to go PJ, i in my right sense will never ever tell you lot're a hardcase!

Catherine Idk, bro. As well much hatorade I guess:P

Celine☆ HATORADE! I accept new favorite word!

Aurora At that place are ever going to exist haters for everything, including Percy Jackson. I remember at that place are people who are going to dislike things for reasons they tin't come up with, so they make up arguments that collapse nether pressure level.

As for the reasons you've given, I completely agree with y'all that the points other people accept made aren't reliable and don't concur up to serious scrutiny.

Either way, I think that the lovers (opposite of haters, any that is) definitely outweigh the haters. I'm going to have a wild guess and say that a book that's spent over five years as a all-time seller probably is extremely well loved by its fans.

Breana Hollis nobody should hate PJO it is the best book in the earth

Melanie Sandford I Dear THIS Book :) No-one i know hates it :) I think its impossible its such a great book <3

bulletin 35: by [deleted user] (last edited October 15, 2012 09:05PM) (new)

Aurora wrote: "There are always going to exist haters for everything, including Percy Jackson. I think in that location are people who are going to dislike things for reasons they can't come up upwards with, so they make up arguments ..."

You're right. I guess it'due south only my luck I happen to have met a lot of PJO haters. Seriously, half my friends hate PJO with a flaming passion. I sympathize disliking it, but I don't understand preaching to anybody about how stupid it is.

Apparently few people other than me has gone through the same experience. But yep, I understand there are haters for everything.

bulletin 36: by [deleted user] (new)

Yeah, but similar I said in my post, those are archetypes. They were not created past Rowling. They take been used by others. The same combo, the same archetypes. That'south non a ripoff.

message 37: by [deleted user] (last edited October sixteen, 2012 09:10AM) (new)

what kind of fucker hates Percy Jackson, I dont remember thats even possible, I actually endeavor to respect people's opinions just if y'all hate Percy Jackson, I'm sad to say i have no respect for you, actually i'm not fifty-fifty sorry.

Serena Well, that does non surprise me.

There are people who absolutely hate myths and magic, for any their reasons.

If I'one thousand being polite about it I call it beingness arrogant and "narrow minded", non so nice information technology'south ignorant idiot or stuck, every bit in, stuck in tar/mud hoping those like that to exist extinct soon. Or, worse for them in their stance, stuck long enough for me to tell them what they ought to have known all along.

I'thou not very possessive of authors, every bit, well, some of my favorite books were written past not-and so-very-prissy-people who did or believed things I notice make me ill.

Nonetheless, there are heroes, and function-models and we all need something/someone to aspire to.

Only because Harry Potter was written before Percy Jackson doesn't make it a copy, lots of things Rowling did were copied/borrowed right out of the myths. Or books published before 1997-1999.

Cecilia Carreon What? I didnt even know that was possible. These are incredible characters and books. Dear them!

Janelle Ah! Yeah! I just read a annotate where someone gave a legit reason for non liking the PJ serial. That was all that I was looking for!!
I honey the PJ series, but uh, the lovers of PJ shouldn't shove their loving opinions of what they think of the book into people who dislike the book, even if that person dislikes it for a stupid reason. Everyone does accept their own entitlement to their opinions, stupid or not, and if they want to blubber about it like idiots y'all tin tell them they audio like it or say anybody has their own opinions then go share yours with your own kind. (People who hate PJ for some unseen reason/ people who talk about PJ too much and how awesome information technology is)
Also, I have not read HP so I generally don't know what everyone is talking about, just HP sounds very similar to PJ. Information technology could be the reason that quite a few people hate PJ is because it sounds also similar to HP, so that'southward understandable. But PJ and HP exercise have their differences like character growth, the setting, and the plot in general. PJ is about Greek myths in modern times and well, I don't know what HP is about, but I'm sure information technology's different enough if thousands of people can say they beloved HP while they yet honey PJ. That's simply my opinion.
Finally, I have to be honest. I have never heard of a PJ hater until this moment. I just thought that everyone would beloved information technology or come to beloved it over time. I have never in one case, heard a bad review or anything close to that to Riordan's books. They do capture the attending of a lot of ages for a reason. But like I said, anybody does take entitlements to their ain opinions and then no grudges here.

message 41: by [deleted user] (new)

You're right, Janelle. Just to clarify though, I am perfectly okay with PJO haters/dislikers. It'southward just my luck that a lot of people at my schoolhouse preach on. and on. and on. and ON!!! about how much they detest PJO and give literally no reason whatsoever to hate it except that "information technology's stupid." I have respect for people who tin country their opinions without hurling insults. I don't have any respect for someone who blathers continuously almost how stupid it is. The point of this post was non to fustigate any PJO haters' opinions, though.

Lucky you, Janelle. :) It's merely my luck that I know so many PJO haters.

Janelle ugh, i feel then bad to y'all. i think people like that should preach to each other and not ruin everyone's day past opening their mouths. like yous said, i love people who state their opinion whether they similar something or non, but i would hate to be at your school every fourth dimension someone mentions the name percy jackson.

Janelle Jocelyn wrote: "Yous're right, Janelle. Just to analyze though, I am perfectly okay with PJO haters/dislikers. Information technology'south just my luck that a lot of people at my school preach on. and on. and on. and ON!!! nigh how much..."

oh, now that i reread my comment, it does seem like i'm bashing on the percy dislikers/haters. no, i fully support people who dislike percy if they have a good reason too. i gauge my bias side came out when i was talking nearly PJ.

message 44: by [deleted user] (last edited Oct 16, 2012 03:41PM) (new)

*cries and bawls*

In that location are an equal number of PJO fans to balance information technology out, though, and so it helps. And they're actually a lot more respectful of people's opinions than the haters.

btw to anyone else reading this, I am not stereotyping anyone, if you lot detest Percy Jackson that doesn't hateful you lot're a rude brat with no taste in literature. Please don't have offense.

message 45: by [deleted user] (new)

Janelle wrote: "Jocelyn wrote: "You're right, Janelle. Just to clarify though, I am perfectly okay with PJO haters/dislikers. It's just my luck that a lot of people at my school preach on. and on. and on. and ON!!..."

No, it didn't. It was kind of neutral. I wasn't sure and I didn't want to offend yous so I decided to analyze anyway.

Janelle oh no, don't worry about offendin me, i take nuthin personally unless it's known that its personal ^.6

message 47: by [deleted user] (new)

Savanha wrote: "WHAT!?!?! PJO haters!!! Oooo they ameliorate hope they dont cross me on a nighttime street..."

Of course there are people who hate Percy Jackson. For every person that likes it there is probably another that hates information technology, every bit in that location is for every book. Its just personal preference. In my opinion, even though I enjoyed Percy Jackson, they were a little juvenile, but at the same fourth dimension, they showed real reactions and weren't forced.

message 48: past [deleted user] (new)

Savanha wrote: "WHAT!?!?! PJO haters!!! Oooo they improve hope they dont cantankerous me on a dark street..."


Lynette ~ Escaping Reality – One Book at a Time ~ What I HATE is that my best friend is one of them.
We try to stay off the topic. Her reason: "I read ten pages of the 3rd one in one case and hated it" That'southward all she ever says. Never comes upwards with whatsoever other reasoning.

Kinda annoying.

Janelle Lynette wrote: "What I HATE is that my all-time friend is one of them.
We try to stay off the topic. Her reason: "I read ten pages of the third i once and hated it" That's all she ever says. Never comes up with any ot..."

REALLY??!!!? what is her problem?? she didn't even read the start book and she'due south judgin the entire serial based on 10 pages? like what the- fug. what the fug. someone needs to redesign her brain molecules considering somethins messed up in there.

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