Is It Possible to Never Have a Period Again


What is amenorrhea?

Amenorrhea is when yous don't get your monthly menses. It tin be temporary or permanent. Amenorrhea can event from a change in function or a trouble with some office of the female person reproductive organisation.

At that place are times when yous're non supposed to get your period, such as before puberty, during pregnancy and after menopause. If amenorrhea lasts for more than three months, it should be investigated.

How does the menstrual cycle work?

A circuitous organization of hormones controls the menstrual bicycle. Every month, hormones prepare the body for pregnancy. Ovulation and so occurs. If at that place is no pregnancy, the cycle ends with the uterus shedding its lining. That shedding is the menstrual menstruum.

The hormones responsible for this cycle originate in different parts of the body. A dysfunction in any of these parts can prevent a person from getting a catamenia:

  • Hypothalamus, which controls the pituitary gland.
  • Pituitary gland, chosen "the master gland," which produces the hormones that instruct the ovaries to ovulate.
  • Ovaries, which produce the egg for ovulation and the hormones estrogen and progesterone.
  • Uterus, which responds to the hormones and prepares the lining. This lining sheds as the menstrual period if in that location'southward no pregnancy.

What are the types of amenorrhea?

There are two classifications of amenorrhea:

  • Master amenorrhea is when you oasis't gotten a starting time period by historic period fifteen or inside v years of the first signs of puberty. It can happen due to changes in organs, glands and hormones related to period.
  • Secondary amenorrhea is when you've been getting regular periods, but you stop getting your period for at least three months, or you stop your menses for six months when they were previously irregular. Causes can include pregnancy, stress and illness.

Who is at risk for amenorrhea?

Chance factors for amenorrhea include:

  • Family history of amenorrhea or early menopause.
  • Genetic or chromosomal condition that affects your menstrual bike.
  • Obesity or being underweight.
  • Eating disorder.
  • Over-exercising.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Stress.
  • Chronic illness.

Symptoms and Causes

What causes amenorrhea?

The unlike types of amenorrhea have dissimilar causes.

Mutual causes of primary amenorrhea include:

  • Chromosomal or genetic problem with the ovaries (the female person sex organs that hold the eggs).
  • Hormonal problems stemming from bug with the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland.
  • Structural problem with the reproductive organs, such as missing parts of the reproductive organisation.

Common causes of secondary amenorrhea include:

  • Pregnancy (which is the virtually common cause of secondary amenorrhea).
  • Breastfeeding.
  • Menopause.
  • Some birth control methods, such equally Depo Provera, intrauterine devices (IUDs) and sure nascence control pills.
  • Chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer.
  • Previous uterine surgery with subsequent scarring (for instance, if you had a dilation and curettage, often chosen D&C).

Other causes of secondary amenorrhea can include:

  • Stress.
  • Poor diet.
  • Weight changes — extreme weight loss or obesity.
  • Exercising associated with low weight.
  • Ongoing illness or chronic illness.

You may also have conditions that tin can cause secondary amenorrhea:

  • Master ovarian insufficiency, when you lot experience menopause before age xl.
  • Hypothalamus disorders, such as functional hypothalamic amenorrhea (FHA) — which is also called hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA). FHA is a condition where amenorrhea is associated with stress or weight loss, merely isn't clearly caused past an organic upshot with a woman's body.
  • Pituitary disorders, such as a benign pituitary tumor or excessive product of prolactin.
  • Other hormonal problems, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, adrenal disorders or hypothyroidism.
  • Ovarian tumors.
  • Surgery to remove uterus or ovaries.

What are the symptoms of amenorrhea?

The chief symptom is the lack of periods. Other symptoms depend on the cause. You may experience:

  • Hot flashes.
  • Nipples leaking milk.
  • Vaginal dryness.
  • Headaches.
  • Vision changes.
  • Acne.
  • Excess hair growth on your confront and body.

Diagnosis and Tests

How is amenorrhea diagnosed?

If you miss a period, contact your healthcare provider. Your provider will ask you about your symptoms and medical history. If amenorrhea occurred because of pregnancy, you lot can outset prenatal intendance. If it'southward happening because of menopause, there is assistance if symptoms are uncomfortable. Missed periods leading to menopause normally begin in your 40s. Your provider will perform a physical test and a pelvic exam.

Will I need any tests to diagnose amenorrhea?

Your healthcare provider may want to do some tests, including:

  • Pregnancy examination.
  • Claret tests to check hormone levels and detect thyroid or adrenal gland disorders.
  • Genetic testing, if you have primary ovarian insufficiency and are younger than 40.
  • MRI, if your provider suspects a problem with the pituitary gland or hypothalamus.

Do I need to keep rails of when my periods happened?

Diagnosing amenorrhea can be challenging. If the crusade of amenorrhea isn't obvious, such every bit pregnancy, your provider may ask you to go along a record of changes in your menstrual bicycle. This history of your periods can help your provider figure out a diagnosis.

Using an app or a journal, note:

  • How long your periods last.
  • When you had your last period.
  • Medications you lot are taking.
  • Changes in your nutrition or exercise routine.
  • Emotional challenges you're having, such equally stress.

Management and Treatment

How is amenorrhea treated?

If your period stopped considering of menopause or pregnancy, your provider will not need to treat it. In other cases, your treatment will depend on the crusade and may include:

  • Losing weight through dieting and practice (if excess weight is the cause).
  • Gaining weight through an individualized diet program (if extreme weight loss is the cause).
  • Stress management techniques.
  • Changing exercise levels.
  • Hormonal treatment (medication), as prescribed past your healthcare provider.
  • Surgery (in rare cases).

In addition, your healthcare provider may recommend some treatments to assist with the side effects of amenorrhea:

  • Estrogen therapy to relieve hot flashes and vaginal dryness.
  • Calcium and vitamin D supplements to keep bones strong.
  • Strength training.

Amenorrhea may exist a symptom of anorexia nervosa, an eating disorder. If you or a loved one has this condition, talk to a healthcare provider immediately and so you lot can get the right treatment.

Will I demand surgery for amenorrhea?

Surgery for amenorrhea is rare. Your healthcare provider may recommend information technology if you have:

  • Genetic or chromosomal issues.
  • Pituitary tumor.
  • Uterine scar tissue.


How tin can I prevent amenorrhea?

Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent some causes of secondary amenorrhea. Endeavor to:

  • Maintain a healthy weight and eat a salubrious diet.
  • Be aware of your menstrual cycle (and then yous'll know if you miss a period).
  • Get regular gynecological appointments, including having a pelvic exam and Pap test.
  • Get regular and adequate slumber.

Outlook / Prognosis

Will my menstruation render?

Typically, your period will return in one case you lot treat the underlying crusade. Even so, it may accept time to become regular once again.

In some cases, you lot may take a health problem that means you'll never have a menstruation. If that is the case, your provider can talk to you almost fertility options if you lot wish to accept a baby.

Are in that location complications of amenorrhea?

Amenorrhea is not life-threatening. Withal, some causes may lead to increased risks over the long term, and so amenorrhea should e'er be evaluated. Researchers have found a greater risk of hip and wrist fractures in people with amenorrhea. You lot may also be at high hazard for bone thinning and fertility difficulties.

What are the outcomes for people with amenorrhea?

Your particular outcome will depend on the cause. For example, if you accept PCOS, you volition likely need lifelong care to foreclose health complications and to institute regular cycles.

Living With

How tin I take care of myself if I have amenorrhea?

Amenorrhea can touch on bone health. It's important to eat a calcium-fortified diet and exercise regularly.

When should I encounter my healthcare provider about amenorrhea?

You should call your healthcare provider if y'all miss three months of periods or miss a period and:

  • Have trouble with balance, coordination or vision, which could betoken a more than serious condition.
  • Produce chest milk when you have not given nativity.
  • Notice excessive body hair growth.
  • Are older than 15 and haven't gotten your first period yet.

What else should I ask my provider?

When y'all talk to your healthcare provider, enquire:

  • What is causing the amenorrhea?
  • What are my treatment options, and what are the risks and benefits to each?
  • Do I need to see an endocrinologist for hormonal treatments?
  • Can I still go meaning if I have amenorrhea?
  • Once my period returns, can I get amenorrhea again?

A note from Cleveland Clinic

If you're an older teenager (15+) who hasn't gotten a menstruation notwithstanding, or you lot've had a normal menstrual bike but now y'all're missing periods, talk to your healthcare provider. Amenorrhea is usually the sign of a treatable condition. Once your provider figures out what's causing missed periods, you can become intendance to regulate your cycle. Y'all may need lifestyle changes or hormonal treatment to assist resume normal menstrual cycles.


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